Sunday, October 17, 2010

Surgical excision, electro-cautery, dermabrasion, and ablation with a carbon-dioxide laser (different from the non-ablative Q-switched laser used in today’s tattoo removal) were methods used more often in years past. Total removal could often be achieved with these methods. The price, however, was usually a significant scar and / or significant pigmentary changes. These methods may still be used today on some patients for whom laser tattoo removal is not recommended; for example, those with allergies to tattoo ink are not candidates for laser tattoo removal.

Another method sometimes used is chemical removal, which involves the introduction of a saline or other solution via a tattooing needle. However, the medical community does not generally place a lot of faith in the safety and effectiveness of this method when compared with that of laser tattoo removal. In fact, some cases have shown that the ink does not resolve at all with this method, resulting in a mere "blurring" of the tattoo.
IPL (intense pulsed light) is also sometimes touted as a newer method for tattoo removal. However, although IPL has been shown to be effective for skin rejuvenation, there is considerable controversy surrounding its use for tattoo removal. According to many leading authorities on laser tattoo removal, this method is of highly dubious effectiveness and can even be dangerous when used for this purpose. Scarring and pigmentation problems are some of the concerns with this approach.
Labels: tattoo pictures
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